How To Setup Notifications/Alerts

You can configure email alerts for workspaces, file requests, WorkSessions, and MediaBoxes. Email alerts can serve as helpful reminders to start your workflows. For example, when a team member adds a file to a workspace, an email alert can notify other team members that their review workflow can begin.

Please note that email alerts are additional notifications and do not affect the Workspace Activity display on the right side of the Ci window:


Figure 1: Workspace Activity on the Ci Dashboard


For more information about the Workspace Activity tab, please see Activity and Alerts.

For more information about using email alerts to drive a content-acquisition workflow, please see the knowledge base article Content-Acquisition Workflows.

Workspace notifications

  1. Click the Alerts button in the Navigation panel.


    The Email Alerts modal window is displayed.

  2. In the Email Alerts modal window, select the check box for each action that should trigger an email notification, and clear the check box for actions that should not trigger an email notification.

    When a check box is selected, a separate email is sent for each action. For example, if Files added to this Workspace is selected, you'll receive a separate email every time a file is added to the workspace.

    All team members can set their own alerts.

  3. Click Save.

File request notifications

When you create a file request, you'll automatically receive a single email alert when the bulk upload is complete.

You can also choose to send email alerts to team members to notify them that files are available for their own workflow.

For more information about file requests, please see Creating File Requests.

  1. Create a file request or edit an existing file request.

  2. In the Create File Request or Edit File Request modal window, select the Notify others as File Request uploads are completed check box.NotifsAlerts_FileRequestNotifs.png

  3. In the Add Recipient box, type the address of each team member you'd like to receive an email alert, or click Distribution List to choose from an existing list.

     4. Click Create File Request or Update File Request.

Each team member added will receive a single email when the file request's bulk upload has finished.


WorkSession notifications

When you create a WorkSession, all members will receive an email alert each time a comment is added in ImageReview or VideoReview and when a LiveSession starts.

For more information, please see WorkSessions, ImageReview, and VideoReview.

All team members can set their own alerts.

  1. Click the Alerts button in the WorkSession panel.

  2. Choose Don't notify me to turn off all email alerts for the current WorkSession, or choose Email for every action to receive an email alert for every WorkSession action.

MediaBox notifications

When you create a MediaBox, you can choose to receive email alerts when the MediaBox is accessed, edited, or closed, and you can add a watermark to video clips in the MediaBox.

For more information about using a MediaBox, please see User Guide: Creating MediaBoxes.

  1. Create a MediaBox or edit an existing MediaBox.

  2. In the Create MediaBox or Edit MediaBox modal window, click on the Settings button.




    Under the settings, you will see the following. Watermarking does not trigger an email alert, but allows you to display a text overlay when video clips are played from the MediaBox. Select the check box and click Edit to edit the appearance of the watermark.

    Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 3.10.42 PM.png

  4. Scroll down to the My Notifications. From there, you can set up email notifications for when the MediaBox is accessed, or when it is edited.


  5. Click Create MediaBox or Update to save your settings.

For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 

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