
The MediaLog app allows logging file-based or live streaming media clips with time-based metadata based on the clips' content.  Log entries can be terms, descriptions, or labels that you can easily drag to the timeline.  Logging clips makes it easy to find specific content using searches.

Term templates help ensure consistency by establishing a set of standard terms and enable faster logging.

MediaLog allows as well to perform remote logging with multiple users in a MediaLog session.

Starting a MediaLog session

  1. Use the Navigation pane to browse to the Workspace and folder that contains the file(s) or live stream(s) you want to log.

  2. In the Navigation pane, select the file you want to review, click Launch App in the action bar, and then click MediaLog. The MediaLog app opens in a separate browser tab.Screen_Shot_2022-01-04_at_2.46.57_PM.png

  3. Invite reviewers to your WorkSession:

    • Click the Members button in the tool bar.

    • In the Edit MediaLog dialog, type the email addresses of the members you want to include in the WorkSession, and then click Update.

      When you invite members to your WorkSession, they will receive an invitation they can use to join.

Creating or editing a term template

After you start the MediaLog session, the MediaLog app is displayed:


  1. Click the Terms tab in the top-left corner of the MediaLog app.


    Click the button in the top-right corner of the Terms pane to view terms as tiles or in a list.



    List View

    Tile View

  2. Choose whether you want to create a new term template or edit an existing template.

    • To create a new term template, click Create Term Template.

    • To edit an existing term template, click the template drop-down list, and click the EDIT link next to the template.


  3. Use the Term Template dialog to add the logging terms you want to use:

    1. In the Template Name box, type a name to identify the new term template.

    2. Click Add Term to add a new term to the left side of the dialog.

    3. Use the right side of the dialog to choose settings for the new term:Screen_Shot_2021-12-22_at_3.47.48_PM.png

      • Color: Click to display a color picker. The color you choose is used to display log entries in the timeline.

      • Term Name: Type a descriptive name to identify the term. This name is displayed in the Terms tab.

      • Description Type: Choose a setting from the drop-down list to choose the type of log term you want to create.

        A Free Text term is identified with a simple text string. The text you type in the Description box is used by default for when you create a new log entries, but you can edit the text for each log entry.

        A Single Select term allows the user to choose one of several predefined descriptions. For example, if you create a single-select term named "Traffic Light," you could create three descriptions that allow a user to choose "Red," "Yellow," or "Green."

        A Multiselect term allows the user to choose multiple predefined descriptions. For example, if you’re tagging a sporting event, a multiselect term would allow you to select multiple players involved in a play.

      • Default Labels: Type labels that will be added by default when you create a new log entry.

      The Term Name, Description Type, and Default Labels items are all searchable, allowing you to find instances of a log term. For more information, please see the article Global Search.

    4. Click Save Template to save your changes.


Logging media in a MediaLog session

After you start the MediaLog session, the MediaLog app is displayed:


  • The top-left pane allows you to add files to the session and create or edit term templates.

  • The preview window allows you to control playback and displays timecode.

  • The top-right pane is the Log Inspector and allows you to see and edit details about each log entry.

  • The bottom of the MediaLog app is a timeline with a separate row for each term. You can drag terms to the timeline to create log entries and drag them to adjust their position or length. You can also create groups to organize your terms.

Adding or removing MediaLog session files

  1. Click the Files tab in the top-left corner of the MediaLog app.


  2. Click the Add File button to add Workspace files to the session. Select the files you want to add (hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple files), and the click Add Items.

  3. To remove a file from the session, hover over its thumbnail, and then click the Delete button:


  4. To search for a file, click the Search button and type a search term in the edit box. As you type, the contents of the Files pane are filtered to include only files that match your search terms.

Logging media

  1. Click the Files tab in the top-left corner of the MediaLog app.

  2. Click the thumbnail image for the media you want to log. The selected media is loaded in the video preview and timeline.


  3. The video preview displays the current frame and timecode at the playhead position. You can use the controls above the timeline to control playback, or drag the thumb below the preview or in the timeline to set the playhead position.


  4. Click the Terms tab in the top-left corner of the MediaLog app.


  5. To choose the term template you want to use, click the template drop-down list, and choose a template from the list.


  6. Drag a term from the Terms tab to the timeline.

    The first time you use a term, a new row is added to the timeline and a log entry is created at the playhead position. If you've already used that term, a new log entry is added to the term's row at the playhead position.

    You can also click the Add log entry button in the row header to add a new log entry at the playhead position.


    If you add multiple log entries at the same timeline position, MediaLog will split the row to allow you to see all concurrent log entries:


Editing log entries in the timeline

  1. Double-click a log entry in the timeline to display its settings.


  2. Use the pop-up window to change the log entry's mark-in or mark-out point, description, or add a label.

    If you want to create a new clip from a log entry, click the Create clip from log entry button Screen_Shot_2022-01-04_at_12.42.33_PM.png in the pop-up window. Use the Create Clip from Log Entry dialog to choose a name and location for the new clip, and then click Create Clip.

    If you want to delete a log entry, click the Delete button Screen_Shot_2022-01-04_at_12.42.58_PM.png in the pop-up window.

    To move a log entry quickly, drag it to a new location in the timeline. When you drag a log entry near the playhead position, its edges will snap to the vertical red line.


    To adjust a log entry's length quickly, drag either end of the log entry on the timeline. When you drag a log entry near the playhead position, its edges will snap to the vertical red line.


  3. Click away from the pop-up window to close it and save your changes.

Editing log entries in the Inspector

  1. Click a log row in the timeline to display that term's log entries in the Inspector pane.

  2. Click the In and Out columns and type new timecode values in the boxes to change the position or length of a log entry.

  3. Click the Description column to display a menu you can use to edit the log entry's description.


  4. If you want to create a new clip from a log entry, click the menu button vert_menu.png at the end of a row and choose Create Clip from Log Entry. Use the Create Clip from Log Entry dialog to choose a name and location for the new clip, and then click Create Clip.Screen_Shot_2022-01-04_at_1.03.48_PM.png

  5. If you want to delete a log entry, click the menu button vert_menu.png at the end of a row and choose Delete Log Entry.
  6. Click the Add New Log Entry button in the Inspector to add a new log at the playhead position.


Organizing the timeline

The buttons at the top of the timeline allow you to search log entries, create log groups, and delete selected log entries.


Searching log entries

Click the Search log entries button above the timeline and type a search term in the edit box. As you type, the contents of the Timeline pane are filtered to include only log rows that include your search terms.


Adding a group

Click the Add Group button at the top of the timeline to create a new group folder in the timeline. After you create a group folder, you can drag log rows into the folder to help you organize related log entries.

In the following example, we created a Highlights group to organize team celebration and crowd shot log entries.


To remove a log row from the group, drag its timeline heading out of the group folder.


Deleting selected log entries

Click a row's timeline heading to select it and click the Delete selected log entries button Screen_Shot_2022-01-04_at_12.42.58_PM.png above the timeline to delete the log row and all log entries. You can hold Shift or Control (Command on macOS) to select multiple timeline headings.

Deleting a log entry will remove it from global and Workspace search results.


Adding a new log row

Click the Add New Log Entry button at the bottom of the timeline to add a new log row to the timeline and create a new log entry at the playhead position. After the row is created, its label is displayed as an edit box. You can type a new name to create log entries for terms that have not been created in your term template yet, or the label will autocomplete to suggest unused terms.

After you create a new log, you can double-click the log entry in the timeline to edit its contents in a pop-up window, or select a log entry to edit it in the Inspector pane.


Renaming a log row

Click the menu button vert_menu.png on a log row heading and choose Rename All in Row. The row name is displayed as an edit box where you can type a new name.


Deleting a log row

Click the menu button vert_menu.png on a log row heading and choose Delete All in Row. The row and all log entries are removed from the timeline.

Publishing log entries

When you're finished logging, you need to publish your log data so other members can find your log entries via searching.


Publishing all logs for a file

  1. Click the menu button vert_menu.png on a log row and choose Publish All Logs.


  2. Click Publish in the confirmation dialog.

    After you've published a file's logs, additional log entries for that file are published automatically, and a green bar is displayed next to the file name to indicate that all logs have been published:


Publishing a group or row

  1. Click the menu button vert_menu.png on a log row and choose Publish Group/Publish Row. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  2. Click Publish in the confirmation dialog.

    After you've published a row, additional log entries are published automatically and a green bar is displayed next to the row to indicate that all logs have been published. Please note that groups do not publish automatically.


Unpublishing all logs for a file

If you need to remove a log from your Workspace's search results or want to turn off automatic publishing for a file, you can unpublish the file.

  1. Click the menu button vert_menu.png on a log row and choose Unpublish All Logs.


  2. Click Unpublish in the confirmation dialog.

Unpublishing a group or row

If you need to remove log entries from your Workspace's search results or want to turn off automatic publishing, you can unpublish the group or row.

  1. Click the menu button vert_menu.png on a log row and choose Unpublish Group/Unpublish Row. A confirmation dialog is displayed.

  2. Click Unpublish in the confirmation dialog.


Using Global Search with log entries

The Term Name, Description Type, and Default Labels items are all searchable, allowing you to find instances of a log term.

A MediaLog icon Screen_Shot_2022-01-05_at_2.54.37_PM.png is displayed in the thumbnail when your search term was found in a published log, and the right pane provides a link that will show you each instance of the log entry.


After you click the link, a list of WorkSessions containing the log entry is displayed.


Click a log entry to select it. Information about the log entry is displayed in the Log Inspector on the right side of the dialog.

If you want to create a new clip from a log entry, click the Create clip from log entry button Screen_Shot_2022-01-04_at_12.42.33_PM.png. Use the Create Clip from Log Entry dialog to choose a name and location for the new clip, and then click Create Clip.

To preview a log entry, click the Preview button Screen_Shot_2022-01-05_at_3.55.19_PM.png.

For more information about using Global Search, please see the article Global Search.


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 


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