How do I cancel my subscription (Individual Plan)?

You can downgrade your individual plan to a free one and can certainly choose to not use it anymore.

To downgrade an individual plan, follow these steps:

— While logged in, click on your profile image that is displayed in the bottom-left navigation and select Account Settings


Figure 1: Getting to Account Settings

— On the Account Settings page, under Personal Network, click on Plans & Payment:


Figure 2: Managing your plan 

— Click on the Manage Plan button, then select Downgrade under Free plan to downgrade.


Figure 3: Managing your plan  

— A confirmation modal window will appear. Please note that at the end of the next billing cycle (the date mentioned in the modal), if you exceed the Free Workspace limit of 10 GB on the specified date all folders and files in this Workspace will be permanently deleted and associated File Requests, WorkSessions and MediaBoxes will be closed. Complete your action by clicking Confirm


Figure 4: Confirm the downgrade (1)

— After this point, your Credit Card will not be charged. If your total storage limit does exceed 10 GB, we recommend backing up all important files while you still have access to them in Ci. Select Okay:


Figure 5: Confirm the downgrade (2)

— We truly value our user's feedback on our product. In this final step of confirming your downgrade, please take a moment to tell us why you've chosen to downgrade to help us improve our service. Once you're finished, click Submit to wrap things up. 


Figure 6: Confirm the downgrade (3)

— Upon completing the downgrade, notice the confirmation message at the top of the Plans & Payment section. Highlighted in red is the date the downgrade will commence. 


Figure 7: Downgrade Confirmation Successful

For more information about new features and updates to our product, please visit our SONY | Ci Product Updates page. 


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 

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