Ci Workflow

Automated VFX pulls anyone? Ci Workflow is an app that brings EDL-triggered workflow automation to your browser. In this article you will learn how to configure workflows by defining input and output file specs and designating output recipients. Then use an EDL to kick off the workflow and tell Ci exactly which clips to pull. Here's how you can do that:

Configuring Workflows

To get started, open a Workspace and select the Workflows icon in the navigation menu:

Figure 1.png

Figure 1: Opening Workflow

Your Workflow Dashboard will open in a new tab showing a list of configured Workflows. To search for Workflows, type the name in the Jump to Workflow search box. To create a new workflow, select the plus icon near the upper-right corner — Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 5.17.46 PM.png :

Figure 2.png

Figure 2: Workflow Dashboard

First, create a Workflow name and from the drop-down menu select the target Workspace where your source files are located. Please note that only .MXF & RAW file formats are supported in Workflow.

Please note that if the file is archived then we auto-standard restore it but we do not archive it again. We assume there are storage management policies in place. For more information on storage policies, please visit our help desk article Storage Management Policies.

Once name is created and Workspace are selected click Next:


Figure 3: Configure Workflow (General)

Configuring Input Profile

You will be prompted to configure the Input Profile. This is where we are telling Ci to look for the source file, and to define the color of the EDL Event Markers. We highly recommend selecting the exact folder the file is located so that the EDL doesn't accidentally pick a different file that is named identically to the target source content. To locate the folder, select the dropdown menu and click the Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 5.12.59 PM.png icon to navigate the Workspace folder tree until you've found the folder. 

In the EDL Event Markers section, open the drop-down menu and select Red. This controls which marker color will contain the event name. Once this is selected, click Next to set the Output Profile:


Figure 4: Configure Workflow (Input Profile)

Configuring Output Profile

Select the Output Root Folder location by clicking the drop-down menu and select the Screen_Shot_2022-04-22_at_2.57.59_PM.png icon to open the Workspace folder tree. Please note that the Output Root Folder location doesn't have to stay within the Input Workspace folder. Any Workspace & folder can be selected as the Output location for the VFX pulls: 

Figure 5.png

Figure 5: Selecting Output Root Folder

Next, select a File Format for the VFX pulls. There are 3 options to choose from: EXR, TIFF, & DPX:

Figure 6 (new info).png

Figure 6: Choosing File Format

Next, select the Bit depth. Please note that there will be different Bit depth options depending on which File Format you choose. We have listed those options below (see Figure 7):


— 16 bit half float uncompressed

—16 bit half float pzip


— 16 bit uncompressed


— 10 bit

— 12 bit

—16 bit

In this example, we've selected DPX, 10 bit: 

Seven 7.png

Figure 7: Select Bit depth

Now we will set the Output pixel aspect ratio. Regardless of which file format you choose, there are two options to choose from - Square (1:1) or Native to Capture:

Eight 8.png

Figure 8: Select output pixel aspect ratio

For Output resolution, there are many options to choose from. Regardless of which file format is selected, the following options are available: 

— 4k Full Frame: 4096 x 2160

— 4k Anamorphic: 4096 x 1716

— 4k Flat: 3996 x 2160

— 2k Full Frame: 2048 x 1080

— 2k Anamorphic: 2048 x 858

— 2k Flat: 1998 x 1080

— UHD: 3840 x 2160

— HD: 1920 x 1080

— 720P: 1280 x 720

— Custom

If you choose Custom, the max resolution cannot exceed 16999 pixels for both width & height: 

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 12.50.37 PM.png

Figure 9: Custom Output Resolution

Next, determine the Scaling. The options to choose from are Fit entire image (pillarbox, letterbox) or Fill (fill the output resolution - no pillarbox, no letterbox):

Ten 10.png

Figure 10: Select Scaling

For Color Space, there are three options to choose from:

— ACES Linear (common color space)

— Hero camera native (common color space)

— Native to camera (no color conversion)

In this example, we've selected ACES Linear: 

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 6.03.16 PM.png

Figure 11: Selecting Color Space

Now set the Default Handle Length. After clicking the drop-down menu, the available options are 0 frames, 8 frames, 16 frames, or 24 frames:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 3.11.23 PM.png

Figure 12: Setting Handle Length

For start frame, we set the default to 1001. To modify the custom start frame, select the frame number field and type in the new start frame (see figure 13). Additionally, you could select Use frame numbers from source. Click Next for the final configuration step:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 3.18.05 PM.png

Figure 13: Select Start Frame

Uploaders & Recipients

The EDL Uploaders section gives you the option to invite Workspace members or external contributors to submit EDL jobs to this workflow. Invited members will not have access to the Workflow settings. To define EDL uploaders, enter their email address and select Add. Invited members will receive an email notification. 

The Recipients option allows you to notify the VFX vender or specific Workspace members that an EDL job is completed. Additionally, added recipients can also receive a MediaBox containing the completed EDL job + additional files such as references and a line-up sheet. Click the drop-down menu next to Add to specify if the recipient will receive a MediaBox or notification. Click Activate to complete configuration:


Figure 14: Adding Uploaders and Recipients

Upon clicking Activate, the EDL Uploader recipient(s) will receive a notification message prompting them to enter the Workflow and upload an EDL. To do so, click Join Workflow:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 5.28.32 PM.png

Figure 15: Join Workflow Notification

Create a New Job

The EDL Uploader will be brought into the newly created Workflow. To start a new job, select the Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 4.12.13 PM.png button:


Figure 16: Creating a New Job

Drag-and-drop and EDL file or click the plus icon to select a file. Each EDL can contain as many events as necessary to complete the job:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 4.19.20 PM.png

Figure 17: New job / EDL Selection

Once the file is selected, re-confirm or modify the handle length. By default, the configured handle length settings of the workflow will be displayed. After this step is completed click Next. 

For the final step in creating a new job, the user can upload additional files such as references, a line-up sheet, CDL, or any necessary files. Once your files are uploaded, select Submit and the job will begin to process: 


Figure 18: Uploading additional files

Processing times will vary, and are faster than the industry standard of ~12 hours. The submitter of Job will be notified when the Job completes or if it happens to fail, but that doesn’t mean they have access to see the output of the Job, which would be located in a folder in a Workspace. The EDL uploader’s job is to simply upload the EDL. Here is a list of statuses that may appear as the new job is in progress:

In Progress: EDL pulls are processing and will appear in output root folder when complete;

Complete: EDL pulls are successful;

Partially Successful: Only part of the EDL pulls were completed. We'll send you a MediaBox containing these;

Failed: Processing failed. We will notify the job creator and Ci customer success will be in contact with you.

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 4.35.06 PM.png

Figure 19: New job Complete

Once the job has completed processing the status will display Complete. The files will appear in a folder within the specified output folder with the creation date as the title. As you drill down into the folder structure you will reach the DPX files (Shots) along with the reference file and EDL (see figure 19):  

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 4.38.30 PM.png

Figure 20: Completed Pull Request

This same folder structure will be shared in a MediaBox if recipients were added. MediaBox recipients will receive an email notification when the Job completes:

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 4.41.53 PM.png

Figure 21: MediaBox containing DPX files (Shots), Reference, and EDL folders

 The Shots folder will contain the EDL pulls: 

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 4.47.28 PM.png

Figure 22: EDL Pulls

When the job has completed, defined Workspace members will be notified. As mentioned above, recipients will receive a notification or a MediaBox containing these files. 


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 




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