Add/Remove Members of a Team Workspace

To manage Team Workspace members, please follow these simple steps:

Quick access to Workspace settings is also available from within the Workspace view, look for the cog-like icon in the left bottom corner of the view:


Figure 1: Getting into Workspace Management


In the Team Workspace management panel click "Members" tab.


Figure 2: Team Workspace members view

In order to add a Member, click on the “+ Add Members” button and start typing in the new Member’s email address. We’ll autocomplete it if the person you’re adding is already in your Contacts:


Figure 3: Adding a new Member to a Team Workspace

As seen on the figure above, you can also add members from a Distribution List.

To complete the action, click the add "Add Members".

To remove a current Member of a Team Workspace, click on the X icon next to a member name you want to be deleted. Then, click the “Remove User” button to confirm the action: 


Figure 4: Remove the Team Workspace Member


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 


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