Setting up External Targets (Aspera Node / S3 Bucket)

To set up external targets, the Network Administrator should follow these steps:

1. Click on their own avatar, which will invoke a dropdown menu. Click “Account Settings”. 


Figure 1: Getting to Network Administrator panel

2. Click on a Company Network title to expand a list of available options, then click on External Targets option:


Figure 2: External Targets option


3. Click the "+ Add External Target" button.

4. Select the type of an external target (Aspera Node or S3 bucket).

Setting up external Aspera Node


Figure 3: External Aspera Node settings

On the screenshot above, parameters are:

Display Name - a random meaningful name of a target node;

Host Address - a hostname or IP of a target node;

Username, Password - credentials to access a target node;

Destination Path - a path to a destination folder on a target node; should always start with the "/" (forward slash);

SSH Port, FASP Port - ports on a target node; should be opened in order to establish a transfer; defaults to 33001;

Target Rate (kbps) - maximum transfer rate, in kbps;


Setting up external S3 Bucket


Figure 4: External S3 Bucket settings 

On the screenshot above, parameters are:

Display Name - a random meaningful name of the external target;

Bucket - S3 Bucket name;

Prefix (optional) - a path to a destination folder on a target bucket; 

Region Code (optional) - a code of an AWS Region where the bucket is located;

Access Key ID, Secret Access Key - access credentials;


Once an External Target is setup at the Network Admin level, it will be available to select from within Team Workspaces.  This can assist in saving time for members of Team Workspaces who wish to reuse the External Targets on a regular basis.


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 


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