File Request feature makes it possible to request content from those who don't have (and don't need) a Ci account. The feature provides a simple yet intuitive user interface, two upload mechanisms (Standard and Aspera) and also makes Space content inaccessible for a requestee.
The Ci UI allows users to manage their File Requests in a simple and straightforward way.
In order to retrieve the list of File Requests, the user should click on the File Requests icon:
Figure 1: File Requests icon location
Upon click on the File Requests icon, the user will be presented with the following view:
Figure 2: File Requests list
The list is sortable. It can be sorted by creation date, goal, owner name, number of accesses, and date of expiration.
As shown in Figure 2, the user can apply the following filters to the list:
— File Request origin (Space where contributed content will be accommodated);
— File Request status (Any / Active / Closed/ Expired);
Once a File Request is selected, the user is able to see additional details related to it, such as its original Workspace, status, number of recipients (click on the number to see the entire list of recipients), and history of activity, related to the File Request; in addition, the user can manage the File Request: edit, view, copy link or close (for File Requests that are active) or Re-Open (for closed/expired ones) it:
Figure 3: File Requests context menu
The user may search for a File Request by typing its title into the "Search File Requests" field and clicking the Enter button.
For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center.