Ci offers integration with a number of third party applications to support Single Sign-On (SSO). The user experience is slightly different than when logging into Ci traditionally or registering as a new user in Ci. Instead of being presented with a regular login page, company networks that have SSO enabled, will be presented with a page that has two buttons on it:
- Employee Login
- Non-employee Login
Figure 1: Ci Media Cloud Single Sign-On enabled login screen
If a user then selects either of those buttons they will be presented with another actual login page.
For the Employee Login, a user will see something similar to the below view:
Figure 2: Employee Login via Microsoft
The user would enter their company's enterprise credentials that they would normally use for logging into any of their internal applications/computers. The user is then taken to where they were attempting to go. Here are some examples of how the user is directed depe\nding on what they clicked on in order to login:
- User goes to bespoke company network URL with the employee login button and then logs in. They will be directed to their Dashboard after logging in.
- User is sent an invitation to a Secure MediaBox. After they login as an employee, they will be directed to the MediaBox page.
- User is sent an invitation to a Secure WorkSession for VideoReview, ImageReview or MediaLog. After they login as an employee, they will be directed to the WorkSession page.
- User is sent an invitation to a Team Workspace. After they login as an employee, they will be directed to the Team Workspace.
One of the great features of using SSO is that there is no longer a traditional registration. If a user logs in through the Employee Login button option, and they have never registered previously, it will auto register based on their SSO login. Some examples of that flow would be the following:
- Unregistered user is sent an invitation to a Secure MediaBox. After they login as an employee, they will be directed to the MediaBox page.
- Unregistered user is sent an invitation to a Secure WorkSession for VideoReview, ImageReview or MediaLog. After they login as an employee, they will be directed to the WorkSession page.
- Unregistered user is sent an invitation to a Team Workspace. After they login as an employee, they will be directed to the Team Workspace.
After signing in with your company provided email address, accept permissions and you will be redirected to the Ci Dashboard:
Figure 3: Ci Dashboard
If users have any questions about the Single Sign-On user experience, please feel free to reach out to the SONY | Ci Customer Success Team.
For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center.