SONY | Ci - Adobe Premiere Pro Panel Integration

The Ci Workspace extension for Adobe Premiere Pro is available on Adobe Exchange.

warning.png Note: Please be aware that use of VPN or proxy servers with web browsers can prevent extensions from installing correctly.  If your Internet connection uses a proxy server or VPN, please contact your network administrator or IT Helpdesk in your organization.

Installing the Ci Workspace Extension

1). Exit Adobe Premiere Pro.

2). If you don't already have it installed, download the Creative Cloud Desktop Application Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 3.43.47 PM.png .

3). Go to the Ci Workspace Creative Cloud details Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 3.43.47 PM.png on Adobe Exchange and sign in with your Adobe ID.

4). Click the Free button near the upper-right corner on the Ci Workspace page:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 3.38.10 PM.png
Figure 1: Adobe Premiere Pro Ci Workspace Details Page for Install

5). The End-User License Agreement is displayed. Review the agreement and click Accept and Continue.

6). A confirmation is displayed to notify you that you've acquired the CI Workspace extension. Click the Manage link near the upper-right corner:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 3.56.41 PM.png
Figure 2: Adobe My Exchange Page

The Creative Cloud Desktop App will be opened to your Manage plugins page. One of the features on this page is the ability to uninstall & reinstall your extensions. In the following example, you can see that the Ci Workspace extension is installed and ready to use:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 4.01.09 PM.png
Figure 3: Adobe My Exchange View of Installed extensions

Using the Ci Workspace extension

After you install the extension, Premiere will find it and enable it.

1). To open the Ci Workspace extension, choose Window > Extensions > Ci Workspace:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 7.04.20 PM.png
Figure 4: Adobe Premiere Pro enable Ci Workspace extension

2). When you open the panel, you're prompted to log in to your account:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 7.08.57 PM.png
Figure 5: Ci Panel Login

3). After you log in, your Ci dashboard is displayed, and you can choose the Workspace you want to use:

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 12.51.33 PM.png

Figure 6: Ci Dashboard

Uploading a bin to Ci

If you use bins to organize clips in your Premiere projects, you can use the Upload Bin command to upload a bin of clips to Ci.

1). In the Ci panel, open a Workspace, click the blue Add New button, and select Upload Bin.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 11.37.22 AM.png
Figure 7: Upload Adobe Premiere Pro Project Bin Upload

2). Click the drop-down list to choose the bin you want to upload, and then click Upload.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 11.44.26 AM.png
Figure 8: Ci Panel Select Bin to Upload

Uploading a sequence to Ci

You can use the Upload Sequence command to upload a sequence from the Premiere timeline to Ci.

1). In the Ci panel, open a Workspace, click the blue Add New button, and select Upload sequence.

this one.png

Figure 9: Ci Panel Upload Sequence

2). In the following prompt, click the drop-down list to choose the sequence you want to upload and choose a preset to render the sequence:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 12.39.05 PM.png

Figure 10: Ci Panel Select Sequence to Upload & Preset

If you choose Custom Preset, a file browser is displayed so you can choose an Adobe Media Encoder preset (.epr) file:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 12.40.19 PM.png

Figure 11: Ci Panel Select Media Encoder Custom Preset

3). Click Upload and choose the folder where you want to save your rendered sequence. After you click Open, Adobe Media Encoder starts, and you can monitor the progress of the render in the Media Encoder window. The upload will begin when rendering is complete.:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 1.26.03 PM.png

Figure 12: Ci Panel Select location for Media Encoder render

Uploading the project metadata to Ci

In the Ci Workspace panel, click Add New, and then click Upload project to upload the current Premiere project metadata file (.prproj) to Ci.  No media is uploaded when you upload a project file, it is only the project metadata file:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 1.30.09 PM.png

Figure 13: Ci Panel Premiere Pro Upload Project file

Importing files from Ci to your Premiere Project

You can use the Import to Premiere command to download individual files from Ci to your computer and add them to the current Premiere project. There are two ways to do this:

Option 1 — In the Ci Workspace panel, select the file you want to import and click the Import to Premiere button from the blue action bar.

Option 2 — Right-click on a file and click the Import to Premiere button from the context menu:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 1.36.47 PM.png
Figure 14: Ci Panel Import to Premiere Pro

Next, a system dialog will display to allow you to choose where to download the file. Choose a folder, and then click OK. A box at the bottom of the Ci Workspace panel will display download progress. The file will be added to the current bin in the Premiere Project panel after the download is complete:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 1.50.34 PM.png
Figure 15: Ci Panel Import Download Progress indicator

Downloading Elements from Ci to your Premiere Project

You can browse file elements (including preview proxies and thumbnail images) from Ci and download them to your computer or import them to the current Premiere project:

1). In the Ci Workspace panel, select a file and open the Elements panel 

2). Right-click on an element or select the Options vert_menu.png button

3). From the drop-down menu select Import to Premiere:  in the top-right corner of the Ci Workspace panel to display a menu:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 1.54.45 PM.png

Figure 16: Ci Panel options to Download or Import File Elements

Next, a system dialog will display to allow you to choose where to download the file. Choose a folder, and then click OK. A box at the bottom of the Ci Workspace panel will display download progress. The element will be added to the current bin in the Premiere Project panel after the download is complete:

Import File Comments as Markers to your Premiere Project

Comments that are posted on a file in Ci can now be imported into the same timestamp, and will be displayed as green markers on your Premiere Pro timeline:

Link Active Sequence:

1). Move the playhead in the Ci panel to frame 0 

2). Hover over the blue "Link active sequence" button, click the dropdown button, select the text box and hit Enter on the keyboard

You will notice the button will turn orange, which indicates playback in the Ci panel will sync playback in Premiere Premiere (see Figure 18):

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 12.27.49 PM.png

Figure 17: Linking Active Sequence

Exporting Ci File Comments:

3). Click the blue "Import Comments" button in the comment's panel, select "Export all to Premiere Pro"

At this point, you will see the comments populate with green markers in the timeline, indicating the comments were imported successfully:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 12.40.33 PM.png

Figure 18: Importing Comments to Premiere

Additional Tools & Functionality:

— Comments with replies will also be imported into the same timestamp.

— To export comments individually, hover over a comment in Ci and select the Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 12.51.03 PM.png button.

— As of now, comments on a time-range will be imported at the start frame.

— If you already have markers in your Premiere timeline, they can be imported into Ci as file comments. Simply follow steps 1 & 2 above Figure 17, click the blue "Import Comments" button in the comment's panel, and select "Import all to Ci" (see Figure 18). 

— File comments can be exported into a .txt file (including the note and timestamp) for further use in other systems or for documentation. Simply follow steps 1 & 2 above Figure 17, click the blue "Import Comments" button in the comment's panel, and select "Save as .txt" (see Figure 18).

Setting Premiere Panel Options

Click the b_settings.png button in the upper-left corner of the Ci panel displays a dropdown menu where you can adjust settings for the Ci Workspace panel. You can close the panel, show your in-progress downloads at the bottom of the panel, change the magnification level of the panel, and view the Ci Workspace panel version:

Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 2.06.49 PM.png

Figure 18: Ci Panel Premiere Pro Options


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 



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