If you'd like your team members to log in to Ci using your company's network credentials, we can enable SSO for your Ci Company Network or Enterprise Network Account. This is currently supported for SSO through OKTA or Entra ID.
When SSO with Ci is enabled, it will allow for a user to select "Employee" login at the normal login screen and will either directly authenticate, if already logged into their local network through OKTA or Entra ID will prompt them to fill in their regular user credentials for their network versus having to register with Ci.
Optionally, a member of a Team Workspace, MediaBox or WorkSession who are not an employee of a company, can still login via the traditional Ci registered user or create a Ci user account based on invitation. Employees who try to login through the traditional login page are also messaged that they can sign-in with their regular network credentials and taken to that login page to login via OKTA or Entra ID. This helps to prevent miscommunications and unnecessary registrations.
The login page is also made unique with Ci branding options and a company-specific subdomain, such as https://customsubdomain.cimediacloud.com.
For more information about configuring SSO for your company, please contact Sony Ci Support at support@cimediacloud.com or via the Sony Ci Support Portal at https://support.cimediacloud.com.