Network Analytics

This feature provides reporting on file-centric usage. It is broken down by 4 groups of reporting — Monthly usage, Workspaces activity, MediaBox activity and MediaBox Inventory. Resulting reports offer both a visual review and an “Export Data” link, which generates an export of the results data in a .csv format that can be downloaded to review in Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports import or opening of a .csv.

To overview Network Analytics, the Network Admin should perform these steps:

Click on their avatar, which will invoke a dropdown menu, that includes the option "Account Settings”.


Figure 1: Getting to Network Administrator panel

Within the Network Administrator panel, click on the Network's title to expand the list of available options. Then, click on Analytics.


Monthly Usage


Figure 2: Network Usage tab

This report allows you to see your storage, upload, download, archived, and streaming statistics per month. Select a month from the drop-down and click "Email Report" in order to receive a usage report.


Figure 3: Network Usage Report per Workspace per month example


Workspace Activities

Workspace Analytics provides reporting on file usage, such as a number of uploads, views, downloads, WorkSessions, and MediaBoxes created. A Network Administrator can generate such reports for several time periods: past 24 hours, past week, past month and past year, as well as for a Custom date period utilizing a calendar-based date selection. A report can be run for either all Workspaces within the Network or one specific Workspace:


Figure 4: Workspace Activities tab

MediaBox Activities

Within the MediaBoxes tab, the Network Administrator is able to view the users’ MediaBoxes activity occurring within the Network. As outlined with workspaces, it is also possible to select from pre-fixed periods of time (Past 24 hours, Past 1 week, Past 1 month, Past 1 year), or by custom date periods and can also select all workspaces or a specific workspace to run the report query against.

You can see the specifics of MediaBoxes activity by selecting the numeric values for the All, Views and Downloads columns. The “Export Data” link is also available for downloading the results in a .csv format as outlined above.


Figure 5: MediaBox Activities


MediaBox Inventory

This report provides the option to view all currently open, expired and closed MediaBoxes. Upon clicking "Run Report," a report will be sent via email in a .csv format.


Figure 6: MediaBox Inventory


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 



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