Teradek to Ci Setup

Teradek provides integration with Ci.  It allows both manual and auto uploading to Ci from a Teradek device.  The current device supported include the Teradek Serv 4K, Teradek Serv Micro & the Teradek Prism Flex.  Plugin the Teradek to a power source and turn on.  The flow of the integration is to connect camera to Teradek via SDI or HDMI and either on demand or via the operation of the Camera, the signal coming through to the Teradek will turn into a recorded proxy file based on setting in the Teradek prior to shooting the material.  The resulting file will then be uploaded to a location in Ci that is configured for receipt of shot material.  From that point, anything that can be done in Ci with the uploaded files is possible, such as reviewing & commenting, sharing content out for review or to make available for pulling down as well as Smart Clipping the content directly in Ci and then having new clips available for use.


To start, the Teradek will need to be connected to a camera via SDI.  The SDI out will go to the Teradek.


(SDI output from Camera)


Connect the SDI out to the Teradek:


(SDI input to the Teradek Serv 4k)


Use the Teradek webapp to setup the Wifi:


(Connect to available Wifi/Mifi networks)

Finish the Wifi connection:


(Confirmation that the connection is setup)


Confirm the Teradek is connected to a Wifi device:


(Teradek Serv 4k screen showing IP address)


Now, use the built-in webapp with the Teradek to finish the configuration.

Go to the IP address that has been assigned to access the webapp with Teradek.

You'll see a screen like the following once it has loaded:


(Teradek web app for additional setup steps)


Confirm that the video is coming through.  Please setup the camera type for the SDI to come in from being Sony and auto record based on On Camera Event, which means the start/stop of the record from the camera controls.  The Media location should be set with the SD that was originally put into the Teradek.

Once that is all done, then create a File Request in Ci.  Please use the guidance we provide with this Help Center article to establish the File Request Code:


The file request code will be used to enter into the Teradek very easily:


(Link entry for placing File Request code)


The file request code is entered and a connection will be made.


(The Teradek is linked via the File Request and shows the creator of the File Request & names)


Now, uploads can start.  Operate the camera that is connected with the Teradek with starting and stopping the recording.  The following screens show the Teradek actively recording and then stopping the recording in line with the camera operation.


(Teradek identifying that the recording is happening)



(Teradek is stopping the recording)


Files will now appear in the Ci Workspace and start the regular ingest/processing for preview proxies, thumbnails and other components that are part of processing.


(Files appear as Uploading that they are being processed in the Ci Workspace)


After the files have uploaded, users can begin to work with the files using all of the great features and functionality in Ci.


For more information about Teradek setup in general and also the specifically the Ci integration, here are few articles that can be helpful:






For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 






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