Audio Meter Tool

Audio Meters is a tool to visualize frame-precise audio levels directly in Ci’s Pro Player. To use the tool, the user would have to double click on a file to open it for preview, and then click on the "Audio Meters" icon in the bottom right corner of the player:


Figure 1. Preview player with Audio Meters enabled



Figure 2. The Audio Meters icon on the preview player control bar


Audio levels displayed as a bar chart next to the player window. Each bar corresponds to a specific audio channel. Currently, up to 50 audio channels are supported by the Audio Meters feature.
Users can set a decibel threshold by typing in a value or using "+" and "-" icons to define audio peaks or silence. 


Figure 3. Audio Meters controls

Users also may jump to the first and last frame above the threshold by clicking on the correspondent buttons.

For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 

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