How to Search for Files Across All of Your Ci Spaces

Global Search is a powerful tool developed to ease the search process across available contents.

Important details:

— minimum search query length is 2 characters;

— search results are getting sorted by descending order of relevance;

— metadata is searchable; 


Search across specific Workspace

To initiate a search in a specific Workspace, the user has to navigate to that Workspace and click on the Magnifying Glass icon in the top-left corner of the Workspace view:


Figure 1: Initiating a search within a specific Workspace

Then, input a search query and hit Enter. The user will be presented with the search results page:


Figure 2: The Search results page

As seen in Figure 2, search results page surfaces not only results that match the search query, but also provides a number of related facets to help you navigate through the results. You can filter by:

— Network,

— Space,

— file type (Video / Audio / Document / Folder / Image),

— Archive Status,

— Aspect Ratio,

— Audio Sample Rate,

— Video Codec,

— Frame Rate,

— Pixel Dimensions,

— Runtime

To narrow down search results, the user should simply click on a facet tag. 

Take a note that search results may not contain the search queue (in this case "sony") match in filenames. To get more details about it, the user has to click the file's thumbnail:


Figure 3: File custom metadata within the search results page

Here, in "Camera" metadata field, we can see that the value contains "Sony", which is why the asset appeared on the search results page.


Metadata Search

The user can perform a search based on file metadata. In order to do this, he or she should click on the Search icon, then click Search Options tab and provide the metadata name and (optionally) metadata value. 


Figure 4: Initiating Metadata Search


In addition, the user can export search results as a CSV file. The file will be sent to the user's email address: 


Figure 5: Export search results as a CSV file

The report will contain:

— file type;

— asset ID;

— asset name;

— asset's parent folder;

— asset's Space name;

— file size;

— date when the file was added to Space;

— name of the user who added the file;


Custom Metadata Export

In order to include/add Custom Metadata search results in the CSV report, start by selecting list view in the view type:


Figure 6: Changing view type to list view


Once the results are in list view, click the Manage Fields icon to open the Manage Columns modal.


Figure 7: Manage fields icon

In the search box, find the fields that you want to include in the report and select the Screen_Shot_2022-01-25_at_6.10.50_PM.png button to add the field to the list. You can also change the order of the columns by selecting the Screen_Shot_2022-01-25_at_7.00.42_PM.png icon and dragging the fields:


Figure 7: Manage Columns modal

When you are finished select Done.

From the search results view, scroll to the right to find the custom metadata columns you have added to the list. These fields and their values will now be included when exporting the CSV file (please see figure 5).


Figure 8: Custom metadata added to search results


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 


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