What is Sony Account (previously referred to as Sony ID)?

Ci offers the ability for users to sign-up for Sony's same sign-in ID called Sony Account as registration that counts not only to access their user account for Ci, but support across a number of other Sony services.  To learn more about how to use Sony Account with Ci and the steps to follow to create or link an existing Sony Account with Ci, this article on How to Authenticate with Sony Account can be helpful.  In addition, a Sony Account FAQs article is also available.

As a result of creating a Sony Account, users will be able to link accounts across select Sony group services.  Once a user has created their Sony Account, they will be able to sign in to those participating Sony group services using the same sign-in ID and password.  Users will not have to manage their core account information separately across each participating Sony service.

The following is a list Sony group services that leverage the Sony Accounts:

Sony Corporation:

  • Imaging Edge
  • Sony's Service for Home Entertainment & Sound Products
  • Xperia

Sony Corporation of America

  • Sony Rewards

Sony Electronics Inc.

  • Ci Media Cloud Platform
  • My aibo
  • Product Registration
  • Sony Community
  • Sony Electronics Store

Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

  • PlayStation™ Network
  • PlayStation™ Plus
  • PlayStation™ Video
  • PlayStation™ Now

Participating Sony group services vary depending on country/region.  A user must use the same email address with the accounts that are linked.

Sony will regularly synchronize the user core account information across the various participating Sony services, including user's name, sign-in ID (email address), password, address, country/region, date of birth, gender, and language.

If a user already has an account with a participating Sony group service, the user will not need to enter their core account information again when they sign-in to another participating service.  It will be synchronized automatically.  They may need to enter additional information for some services.

Each Sony group company is responsible for its own use of user's information.  If a user has any questions on privacy for a particular Sony service, they should contact the specific Sony group company responsible.  See the service's privacy policy for contact details.

Customers who have Single Sign-On (SSO) configured with Ci will not use the Sony Account authentication and will maintain their current SSO configuration with Ci.


For any additional questions, please reach out to the Ci Customer Success Team by submitting a request here in the Help Center. 


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